Quadruple, as a joint venture of COMVERGA, has acquired a 100% stake in virtual mobile operator KlokanMobil. This acquisition strengthens COMVERGA's market position and further increases its market share.
ISO/IEC 27001 - Information Security Management (ISMS)
At the end of 2023 COMVERGA successfully passed the ISO/IEC 27001 recertification in the area of information management in telecommunication and payment services. The extension of the certificate for another 3 years by the renowned TÜV SÜD organization is a significant step that confirms the company's ability to comply with and continuously improve its information management system.
CAMPERSIM opens up unlimited Internet possibilities on the go
(also thanks to the COMVERGA solution)
CAMPERSIM by ProVerDa GmbH is another project running on the COMVERGA platform.
COMVERGA launches first RBM pilot campaign
COMVERGA was one of the first to commercially connect to the networks of Czech operators through the RCS standard. It thus gains the opportunity to provide its services and communication platform for companies that want to use RCS for their marketing and communication needs.