Service Delivery Platform (SDP) certification for Germany

In June 2023 we were able to record a success when our company COMVERGA received a prestigious certificate from the expert office Dr. Bushel received for the correct billing of telecommunications services.

Service Delivery Platform (SDP) certification for Germany

15.06. 2023 | Germany

In June 2023 we achieved a success when COMVERGA received a prestigious certificate from the Dr. received. Bushel. This certificate confirms that COMVERGA is authorized to use the “tested system” brand for its service delivery platform. The certification is the result of a successful review of the processes with which COMVERGA has proven the correct billing of telecommunications services.

The certificate awarded confirms that COMVERGA's SDP system for the provision of services and the evaluation of telecommunications traffic data meets all the requirements of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in accordance with the applicable Telecommunications Act (TKG) § 63.

Obtaining this certificate is a great success for COMVERGA and a confirmation of its excellent work and commitment to the highest standards in the field of telecommunications. Thanks to this certificate, COMVERGY's customers and partners can use our services with confidence, knowing that they are provided with the highest quality and in compliance with the relevant legislation.

This milestone is an important step in the future development of our telecommunications services.