Wie jedes Jahr hatten wir das Privileg, beim Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona dabei zu sein, einer der größten und wichtigsten Messen für Mobiltechnologie weltweit. Dieses Jahr fand sie vom 27. Februar bis 2. März statt und bot den Besuchern einen unglaublichen Einblick in die Zukunft der mobilen Technologie. In diesem Jahr gab es über 100.000 Besucher und mehr als 2.400 Aussteller.
Hundreds of exhibitors from all over the world, including major technology giants and leaders, were present at the fair. These companies showcased the latest products and technologies that included 5G technologies, WiFi 7, openRAN, SaaS services and much more.
One of the highlights of the show was the unveiling of new phones from Samsung and Huawei. Samsung unveiled its new Galaxy S21 line of phones, which offers an improved camera, better performance and other exciting features. Huawei, on the other hand, unveiled its new Mate 40 phone models, which have even better camera, performance and design.

The MWC in Barcelona was a great place to share knowledge and new technologies between manufacturers, experts and visitors. I hope that we will soon be back to normal and that we will be able to attend other interesting events in this area.
Overall, we took away many interesting experiences and ideas from our visit to MWC that could influence the future of mobile technology.