Marketing agency
The marketing agency offers its customers the possibility of creating and implementing marketing campaigns customized to their needs and to different target groups according to defined criteria. The partner can choose from a variety of specific mechanics when defining the campaign and define the communication channels and their priorities.

GPS tracking systems for vehicles, data connectivity
ProductSolutions for internet access on the go
Telecommunications operator - retail
ProductCustomer Care Guide
Telecommunications operator - retail
ProductBundle smartwatch + data connectivity

Security systems
ProductCameras with online streaming

Event company
ProductEvent organisation

Retail and Consumer goods
ProductConsumer contests

Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Food, beverages, drugstore goods

Marketing communication
ProductImplementation of marketing mailings
Telecommunication operator - Retail
ProductLoyalty programme implementation
The partner solves the possibility of offering its customers a modern marketing tool operated on one platform, where they can define and implement marketing campaigns themselves.
With COMVERGA Omnichannel, customers can easily define, implement and evaluate their marketing campaigns in an intuitive environment. The solution also offers effective bidirectional communication through different channels.
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Partner gets:
- Simple and clear web environment
- Setup, implementation and evaluation of campaigns
- Environment for other communication channels integration
- Advanced campaign management and business strategy support
COMVERGA provides:
- Campaign environment
- Campaign, target group, channel definition
- Campaign approval
- Overview and statistics of campaigns